Applicants should meet the following requirements:

  • A bachelor’s degree or the recognized equivalent from a recognized institution in the humanities and social sciences. In case you have a degree in a field that has a strong dimension of social analysis (such as global health, sports management, or biodiversity), we invite you to explain the competencies gained in your application in more detail.
  • Very good to excellent academic performance in your previous study programme
  • Advanced English skills: note that you have to follow courses, read extensively, and write many term papers in English; therefore, your skills should be truly applicable
  • Basic knowledge of a second foreign language

No, this is not possible. All students of an Erasmus Mundus course, need to respect the mobility requirements: Each student needs to study at least  2 mobility periods in 2 countries, different from their own country of residence. 

Typically, students study at two different (European) partner universities for one year each. It is also possible to apply for an additional semester at one of our non-European partner universities during the 3rd semester.

The language of instruction in the programme is English. In addition, there are a small number of courses that you can choose in the local languages of the universities of the EMGS Consortium (see language policy); but they are not mandatory. It is therefore possible to study without broader knowledge of German, but it is advisable to have some prior knowledge of German if you want to study in Vienna or Leipzig. In any case, you have the opportunity to participate in excellent language courses offered in either location.

Yes, you are still welcome to apply. In this case, your admission will be based on your grades as indicated in your transcript. If admitted to the programme, please hand in a confirmation about passing all examinations filled out by your university instead. You can then submit a simple copy of your final diploma within your first semester.

No, you only need to send your application to Leipzig University as the coordinating university of the EMGS programme. However, you do need to indicate at which universities you would like to study.

See the section on language policy of the EMGS Consortium

The EMGS Consortium is pleased to offer Erasmus Mundus scholarships to students. Further information on this scholarship as well as a list of links to other institutions awarding scholarships can be found here. If you would like to apply for the Erasmus Mundus scholarship, your application needs to be submitted online by the indicated deadline

The EMGS programme is designed to train highly qualified students, providing them the skills to contribute to the debate on globalization. The programme does not exclusively focus on one single discipline, method, or interpretation of globalization. Alternatively, it combines approaches from history, international studies, economics, and cultural studies. Still, the programme – despite its openness for different approaches and the necessity to combine them – promotes a shared fundamental understanding that globalization and global connections

  • are not just a phenomenon of the past century, thus requiring a historical examination into the further past;
  • cannot be reduced to economic processes and their social functions, thus requiring consideration of the developments of political and cultural behaviour patterns;
  • cannot be analysed only as processes of homogenization on a global scale, thus requiring the expertise of area studies to understand different positions and perceptions as well as ruptures and differentiations; and
  • are subject to interpretations of the individual depending on the effects of the global network and its context.

No, application via Uni-Assist ist not possible. Please follow our application guidelines as described here.

Students may choose to study their third term at one non-European partner university to further specialize in various topics or to familiarize themselves with a particular regional perspective. Application will be open by the end of the first semester. 

Please note that students who study their second year at LSE cannot participate in the exchange with the non-European partner universities. Furthermore, Erasmus Mundus scholarship-holders are not allowed to study in their home country.

We are well aware that internships add an important component to the set of skills achieved during a study programme. At the same time, the specific organization of such a transnational programme with its mobility tracks encounters particular difficulties concerning the logistics of longer internships. Internships vary in quality and thus their contribution to the overall aims of the programme. This makes it complicated to have an internship strategy that fits all study places and all mobility tracks in the same way. Therefore, we strongly advise to contact the local coordinators at your first study place to figure out the best match between your mobility track and possible internships.

For example, internships can easily be undertaken during the winter or summer term breaks, except during the summer school period. Please also inform yourself of term duration at the study places since they may allow for longer or shorter periods of absence from in-class teaching between the two terms.

At some study places, internship opportunities are offered as part of individual modules. Internships may also connect to fieldwork planned at your non-European partner university and particularly helpful for the preparation of your master’s thesis. Any internship will be mentioned in your diploma supplement.

In a pervious edition of the Erasmus Mundus Programme, there was indeed such a regulation. But since 2023 all students are eligible for Erasmus Mundus Scholarships. 

However, please note, that all students of an Erasmus Mundus course, need to respect the mobility requirements: Each student needs to study at least  2 mobility periods in 2 countries, different from their own country of residence. 

It is mandatory to hold basic knowledge in a second foreign language (that is different to your mother tongue and to English). Please note that any language meets this requirement. If you are a native speaker in more than one language, we can consider one of them for the language requirement.

As for proof of knowledge of a second foreign language it is not necessary to provide a specific language certificate. Instead, you may provide a confirmation that you attended a language course in the respective language (e.g. your university or school transcript).

Your score in the official English exam cannot be lower than mentioned on our website (section 9). You need to have at least 6.5 score in every section of your IELTS test in order to be eligible to apply.

If English was your language of instruction during your BA studies, you do not need to take any other English proficiency tests. A document from your university stating that English was your only language of instruction is sufficient as a proof of your proficiency in English. 

All application documents need to be uploaded by you in ONE file on the application portal and can thus not be send separately. Thus, the recommendation letter should be sent to the applicant directly.  In case your referee insists on sending the reference letter directly to us, they can use . Please make sure that your application number is included.

The recommendation letter can be signed digitally, but the letter must include all contact information, including name, email address, and institutional affiliation. The letter should be typed on official letterhead or feature an institutional stamp.

Your eligibility for the programme will in fact depend (among other criteria) on the courses you attended during your Bachelor studies. At least 15% of them need to be linked to the Global Studies Programme e.g. courses in the field of History, Area Studies, Economics, Cultural Studies, Sociology, Political Science and Human Geography.

It is not mandatory to submit your diplomas and transcripts with a Hague Apostille. In the case you are accept to the programme, you will need to provide simple copies of them.

A proof of residence can be either provided in the form of a residence certificate issued by the candidate’s municipality OR a certificate from the candidate’s place of work, study, or training issued by the respective institution. Please note that if this document is issued in a language different from English or German, you will need to provide a certified translated version.

If you have not conducted your education in Germany, please check on the website of uni-assist the specific requirements for the application documents for your country: https://www.uni-assist.de/en/tools/info-country-by-country/

(Please note that you don’t need to apply via Uni-Assist, but the EMGS Programme follows their guidelines)

It is essential for your application to be complete. Please note that documents provided after the application deadline cannot be taken into consideration for selection purposes by the Selection Committee.