Graduation Ceremony & Best Graduates & Best Master Thesis

An annual highlight in the EMGS Consortium calendar is the graduation ceremony organized every November in order to celebrate the successful completion of the master’s degree and honour the best graduate of the cohort as well as the best master’s thesis of the year.

If you want to get an impression of an EMGS graduation ceremony, you can take a look at the 2021 graduation ceremony in Leipzig here and at the 2022 graduation ceremony in Vienna here.

EMGS Best Graduate:

Jonas Martin Krohn

Vivien Reinhardt

Maite Van den Borre

Linus Vermeulen

Avilia Zavarella

EMGS Best Master thesis:

  • Best Master thesis : Natalie Fink – „Resettlement, Identity, and Transformation: An intersectional approach to the shifting gender roles of educated Syrian women in Germany“
  • 2nd prize: Ennio Brandt –  „The construction of unreality regarding the war in Ukraine by (pro-)Russian actors targeting Germany. A (social) media content analysis“
  • 3rd prize: Avilia Zavarella – „Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? Analysing the impact of Chinese public diplomacy on shaping public opinion in favour of the PRC and its strategic interests in Sub-Saharan Africa“

EMGS Best Graduate:
Hannah Matheis
Anna Katharina Osterlow

EMGS Best Master thesis:

  • Best Master thesis (tied): Rasmus Göthberg – „Diplomats’ making of Mali as a space of intervention“ AND David Beer – „The City Football Group: Towards an ‘imagined community’ of multi-fans?“
  • 3rd prize: Anna Katharina Osterlow – „Imagining technological futures: Transnational feminist tech and data activism as a counter-dynamic in global processes of digitalisation“

Best Master Thesis (tied): Juliana Pinheiro da Silva – „The effects of Mercosul – European Union Association Agreement on female workers andentrepreneurs in the service sector in Brazil“ and

Seung Hwan Ryu – „Provincializing “1968”: The Emergence of New Political Subjects and Social Movements in South Korea (1988-1997)“

Third Best Master Thesis: Rewert Hoffer – „Is the Business of Business Business Alone?The International Chamber of Commerce and the Origins of Global Business Diplomacy, 1920–1931“

Best Graduate:

Rewert Hoffer (Leipzig, London)

Eva Luna Maes (Roskilde, Ghent)

Rebecca Stegmann (Roskilde, Ghent)

Seung Hwan Ryu (Vienna, Leipzig)

Theresa Adams (Leipzig, Ghent)

Best Master Thesis: Pia Grace Bansagi – „This is coal, don’t be afraid“: globalization and nationalism on the coal frontier“

Best Master Thesis: Lasse Kos – „The Implementation of the SADC Water Agenda on the Transboundary River Level: A Case Study on the Multiscale Governing Condition of the Zambezi River“

Third Best Master Thesis: Florentine Haeusgen – „Geretsried, a city of economic integration:The economic history of the former refugee settlement Geretsried and what we can learn from it for refugees’ economies in Africa today“

Best Graduate:

Daniel Renftle (Leipzig, Roskilde)

Best Master Thesis: Jannes Carmesin – „Oil multinationals‘ response to global warming. A critical assessment of climate-related CSR reporting and the possible implications for CSR effectiveness“

Second Best Master Thesis: Lea Kress – “Made by Jeaniuses? – The Case of a Tunisian Jeans Factory and the Empowerment of Female Workers”

Third Best Master Thesis (tied): Kim Chung – „Engineering Human Life: The Birth of Human Genome Editing in China“ and

Xaver Dopplinger – „The Emergence of Colonial Nairobi, 1898-1939. Urban Planning, Housing, Segregation and Imperial Connections“

Best Graduate:

Xaver Dopplinger (Vienna, Stellenbosch, Ghent)

Lea Kress ( Ghent, Roskilde)

Margit Schulze (Leipzig, Vienna)

Anton Vandevoorde (Ghent, Dalhousie, Vienna)

Lis Zandberg (Wroclaw, Stellenbosch, Ghent)

Best Master Thesis: Laura Korn – „(Dis?)Integration and Identities of second and third generation immigrants: A French-German Comparison“

Second Best Master Thesis: Laura de Carvalho Naime – “Standing on two canoes: the migration of the Warao people into Northern Brazil Challenges and transformations of an indigenous flow into developing cities”

Third Best Master Thesis: Judith Kunz – “Developmental Aspirations and Implementation, Strategies of Large Dam Projects in African States: the Aswan High Dam (Egypt), the Akosombo Dam(Ghana) and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (Ethiopia)”

Best Graduate:

Christiaan Boonzaier (Wroclaw, Leipzig)

Lara Marie Fedorchenko (Leipzig, Addis, Vienna)

Judith Kunz (Leipzig, Vienna)

Jana Misic (Wroclaw, Leipzig)

William Jenkins (Leipzig, London)

Best Master Thesis: Saide Mobayed – „Lost in the Transnational: A Global Archaeology of Femicide/Feminicide“

Second Best Master Thesis: Teresa Iglesias Lopez – „The Women Porteadoras: A Phenomenon of the Socio-Economic Gap at the Border between Ceuta and Morocco“

Second Best Master Thesis: Chelsea Swick – „Teaching Globalization: A Look Into Textbooks in the United States“

Best Graduate:

Tibor Böhm (Vienna, Leipzig)

Annie Hinton (Wroclaw, Vienna)

Teresa Iglesias Lopez (Wroclaw, Vienna)

Eva Lennartz (Vienna, Wroclaw)

Ruth Matahelumual (Wroclaw, Leipzig)

Fredericke Weiner (Leipzig, Wroclaw)

Jan Philipp Wilhelm (Leipzig, London)

Best Master Thesis: Leona Hollasch – “The Effects of Power-Sharing Arrangements on Processes of Transitional Justice – Kenya and Zimbabwe in Comparative Perspective”

Best Master Thesis: Patrick Carlos Petit – “A Geography of Globalising Surveillance”

Third Best Master Thesis: Mitja Schulz  – “Economic Miracles by American Design? A Comparison of the Impact of US post-World War II Planning on the Economic Development of Japan and West Germany”

Best Graduate: Leona Hollasch (Leipzig, Addis Ababa, Roskilde)

Best Master Thesis: Michaela Böhme – “Making global champions: The role of the state in explaining the international expansion of Chinese multinational enterprises.”

Second Best Master Thesis: Andrea Geranio – “Transnational Organized Crime and the Production of Space: The Long Journey of the Archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina from Pirates’ Haven to Drugs’ Heaven”

Third Best Master Thesis (tied): Ruth Ennis – “From Democracy and Development to the Securitised Shores of the Sahara Sea: The ebb and flow of discourse on human trafficking as produced by actors in and connected with the African Union.” and

 Swapanil Sharma – “Female domestic workers of New Delhi: Their challenges and rising agency.”

Best Graduate:

Swapanil Sharma (Wroclaw, Roskilde)

Best Master Thesis: Fiacha O’Dubhda – “Future in the Anthropocene: An Inquiry into Relationships between Climate and Society in Global Future Scenarios and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change”

Second Best Master Thesis (tied):

Nicholas Berryman – “The Senkaku-Diao-Yu Dispute: Border Conflict in the East China Sea” and

Johanna Leary – “Human Rights in the UNGA: An Assessment of BRICS and P3 Voting Patterns”

Best Graduate:

Andrew Anzur Clement (Wroclaw, Vienna)

Fiacha O’Dubhda (Vienna, UCSB, Leipzig

Best Master Thesis: Marie-Claire Klaasen – „Human Rights and the Public/Private Divide: Comparing Religious and Secular Approaches to Human Rights“

Second Best Master Thesis: Simon Tundermann – „Rescaling Europe out of the Crisis? An analysis of EU Actors`Contesting Opinions on the European Stability Mechanism and the Scalar Transformation of European Space“

Third Best Master Thesis: Victor Manuel Quintero Leon – „The Iconography of Globalization“

Best Graduate:

Leonie Rörich (Vienna, Leipzig)

Christoph Sorg (Vienna, UCSB/Wroclaw)

Best Master Thesis: Sarah Hanisch – „South-South Migration: the Case of Chinese Migrants in Lesotho“

Second Best Master Thesis: Leonie Rörich – „Variants of Feminist Internationalism: Indian and International Women’s Organizations during the Interwar Period“

Third Best Master Thesis: Ruth Emsden – „Stranger, Danger? New Commonwealth Immigrants and the Committee on Housing in Greater London“

Best Graduate:

Leonie Rörich (Vienna, Leipzig)

Christoph Sorg (Vienna, UCSB/Wroclaw)

Best Master Thesis: Andrew Bell  – „One law on the books, another on the ground: Land tenure and land markets in late- and post-colonial Kenya and Rwanda“

Second Best Master Thesis: Denise Misleh – „Agricultura sostenible – resistencia y autonomia campesina en tiempos de globalizacion“

Third Best Master Thesis: Ingrid Smith – „English as a Lingua Franca within Academic Communities: The Erasmus Mundus Masters in Global Studies as a Case Study. Perpetuating Inequalities or Fostering and Expanding Intellectual Growth?“

Best Graduate:

Teresa Anne Bergman (Wroclaw, Leipzig)

Bettina Heller (Wroclaw, Vienna)

Megan Marie Campell (Wroclaw, Vienna)

Paula Guzzo Falci (Wroclaw, Vienna)

Best Master Thesis: Derek Elliot – “Polities Not Pirates: Contested Sovereignties of the Konkan Coast, c.1690-1756”

Second Best Master Thesis: Martijn Mos – “Conflicted Normative Power Europe: The European Union and Sexual Minority Rights”

Third Best Master Thesis: Ekaterina Vladimirova – “Migration and institutional transformation in Russia in 1990s”

Best Graduate: Martijn Mos (Vienna, Leipzig)

Best Master Thesis: Fahad Mustafa – “Cricket and Globalization. Global Processes and the Imperial Game”

Second Best Master Thesis:  Sophie Edington-Cheater – “Piracy in the Straits of Malacca”

Third Best Master Thesis: Kamakshi Nanda – “’Call us friends…or partner?‘ A comparison of China and India’s quest for Energy in Sub-Saharan Africa”

Best Graduate: Sophie Edingthon-Cheater (Vienna, Leipzig)

Best Master Thesis: Berita Musau – “Ethnic Conflicts and Transition to Democracy in Africa: Recurrence of Ethnic Conflicts in Kenya (1991-2008)”

Best Master Thesis: Lilin Yu  – “The Images of Germany in Chinese School Textbooks since Late 1970s”

Third Best Master Thesis (tied): Emily Preiss – “Forging a Pathway to Gold: The Olympic Bid Campaigns of London and Leipzig” and

Peter Lambertz, “Accidental Ambiguity or Programmatic Smokescreen? The Concept of Reconciliation in use at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda”