The study and examination regulations in the EMGS Consortium reflects the European character of the programme. The assessment of a student’s performance is based on common standards for examination as stipulated in the annex of the EMGS Consortium agreement (link to the agreement’s downloadable pdf). These common standards reflect the national and local rules that also have to be respected by transnational programmes. Compliance with these standards and rules is monitored by the Examination Board of the EMGS Consortium on a regular basis. Common guidelines for essays, which are the main form of examination, are agreed upon across the consortium along with common standards for the master’s thesis. The same holds true for resitting options in case of a failed exam. Common criteria for handling plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct are also part of the regular debate about standards across the EMGS Consortium.
Since the programme allows mobility tracks at different universities, the study and examination regulations consist of a series of relevant regulations at national, university, and department levels that all apply the Bologna Process standards.
Nevertheless, sometimes these specific regulations differ in their hierarchy, structure, and terminology.
The EMGS Consortium (including all non-European partner universities) has agreed to use a common grade conversion table to guarantee a fair and common recognition of grades and credits for the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD). The overall grade for the master’s programme is calculated by the programme coordinator (Leipzig) in accordance with the study coordinators at the European partner universities.
Please find below details of the examination regulations at each study place as well as all the relevant documents regarding examination in the EMGS programme at each of the participating universities. At all study places, the local EMGS coordinators will gladly assist you in case you will need additional information and/or clarifications regarding the examination in the EMGS Consortium.
Higher education regulation is governed by the Flemish Higher Education Codex. In accordance with this codex, the Board of Governors of Ghent University drafts and approves every year a new Education and Examination (E&E) Code. Therefore, all articles are valid during one academic year. The E&E Code can be found here.
The E&E Code covers a wide variety of important topics, such as structure of the academic year, description of the academic system, enrolment regulations, types of contracts, rules pertaining to a study programme and/or course unit, examination regulations, rules pertaining to a PhD, as well as complaints and appeals.
The German higher education study and examination regulations consist of the Laws on Higher Education of the respective federal state (for Leipzig, the Higher Education Autonomy Act of Saxony (Sächsisches Hochschulfreiheitsgesetz) as well as the study and examination regulations of Leipzig University for the respective master’s programme.
- Study regulations (Studienordnung) and Examination regulations (Prüfungsordnung)
- English translation of the Examination regulations
- Curriculum regulations (Studienverlaufsplan)
- Module descriptions
The Danish higher education examination regulation system consists of a three-tier legal hierarchy with national provisions providing the general framework. For the Ministerial Order on University Examinations, see here.
This has been translated at Roskilde University into University-wide Examination Regulations.
In compliance with these, further specific provisions for the programme apply at each department. Please see here:
The Austrian higher education examination regulations system consists of a four-tier legal hierarchy:
- The federal constitution (Bundesverfassung) stipulates “Die Wissenschaft und ihre Lehre ist frei” (Science and its Teaching are free). This applies to examination as well.
- The University Law (“Universitätsgesetz”) The parts relevant to the examination are highlighted yellow in this document.
- The Statute of the University of Vienna (“Satzung der Universität Wien”) The part regarding study regulations are marked yellow in the pdf.
- Curriculum
The Polish higher education system is based on three laws and several directives of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego).
- Law on Higher Education, enacted on July 20 2018, (uniform text with amendments)
- Law on Academic Degrees and Titles, enacted on March 14, 2003 (uniform text with amendments)
- Law on Student Loans, enacted on July 17 1998, (uniform text with amendments)
The organization of the university is regulated in the Statute of the University of Wrocław, Resolution 32 of the Senate of the University of Wrocław, enacted on April 25, 2012.
Rights and obligations of students and organization of studies are laid down in the Rules of Studies (the Annex to the Resolution No. 65/2006 of the Wrocław University Senate, enacted on May 10, 2006 (uniform text with amendments from April 28, 2010 and set in the Resolution No. 30/2011 from March 30, 2011). The most relevant document to global studies students are to be found the Regulations of Studies at the University of Wrocław.