Testimonial 3: First year of EMGS Master’s Degree at Roskilde University

Studying at RUC has expanded my boundaries academically with themes within the field of Global Studies which complement my previous expertise, but also invites me to delve deeper into concepts which help me understand how interconnected and interdependent are the economic, sociological and political spheres for the development of the world we live in. I am developing new skills that will be essential for my future professional career: more confidence on my work, team-working skills, overcoming challenging situations with a courageous attitude…. 

Academically, RUC provides a sense of freedom and self-development which has the potential to push the student to be more independent, self-confident, and proactive with decision-making towards success in the learning process. A key feature of this institution is its Problem-oriented Project Learning, with which students encounter real-life challenges and become the researchers which will find a solution with an interdisciplinary and autonomous view. Moreover, RUC’s campus has the best of both worlds, as it is the perfect place to find focus and harmony considering its location right in the middle of nature but also the fact that is very close to Copenhagen for a more dynamic environment.

As an international student, I am really enjoying adapting to the Danish lifestyle as Denmark has a sense of tranquillity, eco-friendliness and security that I really appreciate. I admire the sense of excellence of Danish people, the trustworthy, responsible and hard-working values that they embody as well as the prestige of the Danish educational system. I feel very welcome and free to be part of the community, which are very positive aspects while living abroad.

I recommend potential students to choose RUC as one of their study places for EMGS as it is a unique institution that invites students to change their views about their learning process and motivates them to think about different pathways which will make them grow both as a person and as a student like nowhere else. It is a challenging period that bears the fruits of greater wisdom and self-confidence, all while studying in a truly peaceful venue and sharing this beautiful experience with more international students.


 Irene González is a first year student of the EMGS Master’s Degree at Roskilde University

Roskilde University is a member of the EMGS Consortium. Their modules focus on Global political economy and global governance, political culture and civil society. Find out more here.