
The graduation season is upon us, and many EMGS students are departing on their career paths. We will surely miss the university walls and all friends they brought us, but the adventure of Erasmus Mundus does not need to end. Are looking to stay involved in the Erasmus Mundus
Populism and Conflict, an essay series curated by Dr. Julian Kuttig on the Governance in Conflict Network (GiC) website, is calling for submissions that apply a critical lens in exploring the relationship between vernacular forms of populism and (violent) conflict. The essay series looks for innovative contributions that offer
After the alumni reports in 2011 and 2015, now the EMGS consortium presents their third Alumni report, which is based on a survey, which was conducted between September and October 2020. The survey had a total of 150 respondents and provides general conclusions about the labor market experience of
In our new section EMGS students from all over the world send postcards to the EMGS family. Today we are excited about a postcard from Danuta who has just recently finished her semester at Santa Barbara University in California! Voriger Nächster