A Transnational Team

The EMGS programme’s core teaching team brings together renowned scholars in the field, who come from a diverse selection of humanities and social sciences specializations. They are also highly recognized and active in research and wider academic networks. The EMGS‘ transnational team is complemented by a variety of additional lecturers who join the partner universities’ global studies centres and are keen on sharing their expertise with an ambitious group of students.

Jeroen Adam (Module: Conflict and Development in a Globalizing World I)

Sven Biscop (Module: Europe as a Global Actor)

Koenraad Bogaert (Module: Global History: Europe and the World)

Frank Caestecker (Module: History and Political Economy of Global Capitalism)

Julie Carlier (Module: Master’s Dissertation)

Samuël Coghe (Module: Global History: Europe and the World)

Ann Heirman (Module: Global Studies; World Societies: regions in Global Studies II)

Dries Lesage (Module: Global Governance and Global Justice)

Christopher Parker (Module: Master’s Dissertation)

Glenn Rayp (Module: History and Political Economy of Global Capitalism)

Eric Vanhaute (Module: Introduction to Global History)

Rafaël Verbuyst (Module: Global Studies; World Societies: regions in Global Studies I)

Koen Vlassenroot (Module: Global Studies; World Societies: regions in Global Studies I)

Sami Zemni (Module: Conflict and Development in a Globalizing World II)

Dr. Gilad Ben-Nun (Modules: Regions in Globalization: Africa and the Near East, World Orders under the Global Condition)

Prof. Dr. Dmitri van den Bersselaar (Module: Regions in Globalization: Africa and the Near East)

Prof. Dr. Marian Burchardt (Module: Cultural Transfers under the Global Condition)

Prof. Dr. Philip Clart (Module: Regions in Globalization: Asia)

Prof. Hartmut Elsenhans (Modules: International Studies, Regions in Globalization: Africa and the Near East)

Prof. Dr. Ulf Engel (Modules: International Studies, Regions in Globalization: Africa and the Near East, World Orders under the Global Condition)

Dr. habil. Peter Gärtner (Module: Regions in Globalization: Americas)

Prof. Dr. Frank Hadler (Module: Regions in Globalization: Europe)

Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Kaske (Module: Regions in Globalization: Asia)

Dr. Steffi Marung (Modules: Global History, Regions in Globalization: Europe; Regions in Globalization: Africa and the Near East, Europe)

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Megan Maruschke (Module: Global History)

Dr. Uwe Müller (Module: Regions in Globalization: Europe)

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Pisarz-Ramirez (Module: Regions in Globalization: Americas)Dr. Agustina Carrizo Reimann (Module: Regions in Globalization: Americas)

Dr. Victoria Reinhardt (Module: Regions in Globalization: Europe)

Dr. Katarina Ristic (Module: Methods for the Study of Globalization)

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Daniela Ruß (Modules: International Studies, World Orders under the Global Condition, Global History,  Cultural Transfers under the Global Condition)

Dr. Wolfram von Scheliha (Module: Regions in Globalization: Europe)

Karen Silva Torres (Module: International Studies)

Dr. Ninja Steinbach-Hüther (Module: Methods for the Study of Globalization)

Prof. Dr. Michelle Pace (Foundational Course in Global Studies; Global Study Seminar: The Middle East from a Global Perspective )

Prof. Dr. Laust Schouenborg (Project 1: Perspectives)

Prof. Dr. Lars Buur (Advanced study seminar: Geopolitics and Natural resources)

Prof. Dr. Bjørn Thomassen (Advanced study seminar: Revolutions and contentious)

Prof. Dr. Ole Bruun (Global Study Seminar: The Global Wave of Authoritarianism)

Prof. Dr. Olivier Rubin (Optional Method Course I: Comparative Methods – From the Local to the Global)

Prof. Dr. Eric Komlavi Hahonou (Optional Method Course I: Fieldwork methods, Optional Method Course II: Applying Qualitative and Quantitative Methods: An International Perspective) 

Prof. Dr. Laura Horn (Optional Method Course I: Gender as Method, Advanced study seminar: Global Finance)

Prof. Dr. Thorkil Casse (Optional Method Course I: Intermediate Quantitative Methods)

Prof. Dr. Klaas Dykmann (Advanced study seminar: International Organizations and Global Politics)

Prof. Dr. Sune Haugbølle (Global Study Seminar: The Middle East from a Global Perspective)

Prof. Dr. Line Engbo Gissel (Optional Method Course II: Case Study Methods)

Prof. Dr. Angela Bourne (Project 2: Current Issues Project, Thesis workshops for 4th semester students)

Prof. Dr. Michael F. Kluth (Foundation course in Global Studies)

Dr. Jarosław Jarząbek (Module: International Relations)

Dr Łukasz Fijałkowski (Module: International Cooperation and Security)

Prof. Magdalena Ratajczak (Module: Globalization: Selected issues) 

Prof. Andrzej Polus (Module: Research and master thesis) 

Prof. Patrycja Matusz (Module: Societies in transition)

Dr. Anna Jagiełło-Szostak (Module: Systems in Transition) 

Prof. Beata Ociepka (Module: Society and Politics) 

Dr. hab. Bartosz Michalski (Module: Transformations, Economics, Security & International Relations) 

Prof. Elżbieta Stadtmüller (Module: Aspects of Globalization & Regionalization) 

Prof. Marek Wróblewski (Module: Economic systems & Political Economy) 

Dr. Marek Musioł (Module: Research Seminar, Winter and Summer School)