A Transnational Team

The EMGS programme’s core teaching team brings together renowned scholars in the field, who come from a diverse selection of humanities and social sciences specializations. They are also highly recognized and active in research and wider academic networks. The EMGS‘ transnational team is complemented by a variety of additional lecturers who join the partner universities’ global studies centres and are keen on sharing their expertise with an ambitious group of students.

Jeroen Adam (Module: Conflict and Development in a Globalizing World I)

Sven Biscop (Module: Europe as a Global Actor)

Koenraad Bogaert (Module: Global History: Europe and the World)

Frank Caestecker (Module: History and Political Economy of Global Capitalism)

Julie Carlier (Module: Master’s Dissertation)

Samuël Coghe (Module: Global History: Europe and the World)

Ann Heirman (Module: Global Studies; World Societies: regions in Global Studies II)

Dries Lesage (Module: Global Governance and Global Justice)

Christopher Parker (Module: Master’s Dissertation)

Glenn Rayp (Module: History and Political Economy of Global Capitalism)

Eric Vanhaute (Module: Introduction to Global History)

Rafaël Verbuyst (Module: Global Studies; World Societies: regions in Global Studies I)

Koen Vlassenroot (Module: Global Studies; World Societies: regions in Global Studies I)

Sami Zemni (Module: Conflict and Development in a Globalizing World II)

Dr. Gilad Ben-Nun (Modules: Regions in Globalization: Africa and the Near East, World Orders under the Global Condition)

Prof. Dr. Dmitri van den Bersselaar (Module: Regions in Globalization: Africa and the Near East)

Prof. Dr. Marian Burchardt (Module: Cultural Transfers under the Global Condition)

Prof. Dr. Philip Clart (Module: Regions in Globalization: Asia)

Prof. Dr. Ulf Engel (Modules: International Studies, Regions in Globalization: Africa and the Near East, World Orders under the Global Condition)

Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Kaske (Module: Regions in Globalization: Asia)

Dr. Steffi Marung (Modules: Global History, Regions in Globalization: Europe; Regions in Globalization: Africa and the Near East, Europe)

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Megan Maruschke (Module: Global History)

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Pisarz-Ramirez (Module: Regions in Globalization: Americas)

Dr. Victoria Reinhardt (Module: Regions in Globalization: Europe)

Dr. Katarina Ristic (Module: Methods for the Study of Globalization)

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Daniela Ruß (Modules: International Studies, World Orders under the Global Condition, Global History,  Cultural Transfers under the Global Condition)

Dr. Wolfram von Scheliha (Module: Regions in Globalization: Europe)

Karen Silva Torres (Module: International Studies)

Dr. Ninja Steinbach-Hüther (Module: Methods for the Study of Globalization)

Prof. Dr. Nadin Heé (Module: Regions in Globalization: Asia)

Prof. Dr. Markus Dreßler (Module: Regions in Globalization: Asia)

Prof. Dr. Julia Herzberg (Module: Regions in Globalization: Europe)

Prof. Dr. Michelle Pace (Foundational Course in Global Studies; Global Study Seminar: The Middle East from a Global Perspective )

Prof. Dr. Laust Schouenborg (Project 1: Perspectives)

Prof. Dr. Lars Buur (Advanced study seminar: Geopolitics and Natural resources)

Prof. Dr. Bjørn Thomassen (Advanced study seminar: Revolutions and contentious)

Prof. Dr. Ole Bruun (Global Study Seminar: The Global Wave of Authoritarianism)

Prof. Dr. Olivier Rubin (Optional Method Course I: Comparative Methods – From the Local to the Global)

Prof. Dr. Eric Komlavi Hahonou (Optional Method Course I: Fieldwork methods, Optional Method Course II: Applying Qualitative and Quantitative Methods: An International Perspective) 

Prof. Dr. Laura Horn (Optional Method Course I: Gender as Method, Advanced study seminar: Global Finance)

Prof. Dr. Thorkil Casse (Optional Method Course I: Intermediate Quantitative Methods)

Prof. Dr. Klaas Dykmann (Advanced study seminar: International Organizations and Global Politics)

Prof. Dr. Sune Haugbølle (Global Study Seminar: The Middle East from a Global Perspective)

Prof. Dr. Line Engbo Gissel (Optional Method Course II: Case Study Methods)

Prof. Dr. Angela Bourne (Project 2: Current Issues Project, Thesis workshops for 4th semester students)

Prof. Dr. Michael F. Kluth (Foundation course in Global Studies)

Prof. Dr. Christian De Vito (Department of Economic and Social History)

Assoc.Prof. Federico, D’ONOFRIO (Department of Economic and Social History)

Assoz. Prof. Dr. Juliane Schiel (Department of Economic and Social History *Currently no supervision of theses)

Assoc. Prof. Annemarie STEIDL (Department of Economic and Social History)

ao. Univ.-Prof. Friedrich EDELMAYER (Department of History)

ao.Univ.-Prof. Martina KALLER (Department of History)

Assoc. Prof. Elisabeth RÖHRLICH (Department of History)

Univ.-Prof.in Lucile DREIDEMY  (Department of Contemporary History)

Assoc.Prof.in Valeska HUBER  (Department of Contemporary History)

Univ.-Prof. Lena FOLJANTY (Department of Legal and Constitutional History )

Univ.-Prof. Miloš VEC (Department of Legal and Constitutional History )

Univ.-Prof. Noémie ETIENNE (Faculty Center for Transdisciplinary Historical and Cultural Studies)

Ass.-Prof. Birgit NEMEC (Faculty Center for Transdisciplinary Historical and Cultural Studies)

Ass.Prof. Eva-Maria MUSCHIK ( Department of International Development *Currently no supervision of theses)

Assoc. Prof. Michael PARZER (Department of Sociology)

Univ.-Prof. Alexa FÄRBER  (Department of European Ethnology)

Univ.-Prof.in Kirsten RÜTHER  (Department of African Studies)

Dr. Anaïs ANGELO (Institute of Cultural Studies, Austrian Academy of Sciences – ÖAW) 

Univ.Prof. Rossella FERRARI  (Department of East Asian Studies)

Privatdozent. Mag. Dr. Alfred Gerstl (Department of East Asian Studies *Currently no supervision of theses

Dr. Onur INAL  (Department of Near Eastern Studies)

Ass.Prof. Borayin LARIOS  (Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies)

Dr. Jarosław Jarząbek (Module: International Relations)

Dr Łukasz Fijałkowski (Module: International Cooperation and Security)

Prof. Magdalena Ratajczak (Module: Globalization: Selected issues) 

Prof. Andrzej Polus (Module: Research and master thesis) 

Prof. Patrycja Matusz (Module: Societies in transition)

Dr. Anna Jagiełło-Szostak (Module: Systems in Transition) 

Prof. Beata Ociepka (Module: Society and Politics) 

Dr. hab. Bartosz Michalski (Module: Transformations, Economics, Security & International Relations) 

Prof. Elżbieta Stadtmüller (Module: Aspects of Globalization & Regionalization) 

Prof. Marek Wróblewski (Module: Economic systems & Political Economy) 

Dr. Marek Musioł (Module: Research Seminar, Winter and Summer School)