
Since 2007, almost 1000 students have successfully graduated from the EMGS programme. Alumni of global studies are especially successful on the labour market because they are trained to think outside of the box. They are sought after by employers owing to their in-depth knowledge of a globalized world as well as their overall flexibility gained during their individual student mobility tracks.

A considerable number of the alumni have chosen an academic career by continuing their academic education with a PhD. First ideas for the topic of their PhD dissertations have been, in many cases, developed during the master’s programme. Alumni who pursue a professional career outside academia mostly work in diverse private sector fields, public service, or within a number of international NGOs.

Find below information on the companies and institutions in which EMGS alumni found a position (as a selection).

  •  Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
  • Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria
  • Ankara University, Turkey
  • Austral University of Chile, Valdivia, Chile
  • Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
  • Cornell University, Ithaka, New York, USA
  • Del Rosario University, Bogotá, Colombia
  • European University Institute, Florence, Italy
  • Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
  • Istanbul Medeniyet University, Turkey
  • Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
  • Leipzig University, Germany
  • London School of Economics, United Kingdom
  • Panasastra University of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  • Philipp University of Marburg, Germany
  • The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
  • The Open University of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
  • Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
  • TU Berlin, Germany
  • University of British Columbia, Vancouver, USA
  • University of Cambridge, UK
  • University of Graz, Austria
  • University of Heidelberg, Germany
  • University Jaume I, Castellon, Spain
  • University of Nottingham, UK
  • University of Vienna, Austria
  • University of Warwick, UK
  • University of Zurich, Switzerland
  • SciencesPo, Paris, France  
  • Asia-Europe Foundation, Singapore
  • European Commission, Brussels, Belgium
  • Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Mexico
  • International Centre for Migration Policy Development, Vienna, Austria
  • International Organization for Migration, Geneva, Switzerland
  • International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria
  • NATO, Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre, Lisbon, Portugal
  • Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being (NDPHS), Stockholm, Sweden
  • Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Vienna, Austria
  • TechnoServe, Business Solutions to Poverty, Accra, Ghana
  • UNESCO Institute of Lifelong Learning, Hamburg, Germany
  • United Nations Development Programme, Istanbul, Turkey
  • United Nations Environment Programme, Paris, France
  • United Nations Office, New York, USA
  • United Nations Office, Vienna, Austria
  • Access, New York, USA
  • Agricultural Development Denmark Asia, Cambodia
  • Asia Injury Prevention Foundation, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Auser, Lecco, Italy
  • Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP), Bengaluru, India
  • CDP worldwide, London, United Kingdom
  • Center for Khmer Studies, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  • CESI, Palermo, Italy
  • Ciudad Viva, Santiago, Chile
  • Community Organisation Resource Centre, Cape Town, South Africa
  • demosEUROPA- Centre for European Strategy Foundation, Warsaw, Poland
  • Europäische Bewegung Deutschland, Berlin, Germany
  • Fair Work, Shanghai, China
  • FLARE, a coalition of NGOs in Europe, Turin, Italy
  • Forma, Caracas, Venezuela
  • Indonesian Feminist Journal, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • International Rescue Committee, Sacramento, CA, USA
  • International Press Institute Vienna, Austria
  • OECD, Paris, France
  • Pact, Kinshasa, Congo
  • Res Artis, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • San Benito County Arts Council, Hollister, California, USA
  • The Aspen Institute, Washington D.C., USA
  • The Zigen Fund-For Grassroots Development, Bejing, China
  • BBC World Service, Miami, USA
  • Cambodia Development Resource Institute, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  • Centre for the Study of Governance Innovation, Pretoria, South Africa
  • China Institute for Reform and Development, Haikou, China
  • Commodity Management Advisory & Solutions (CMAS), London, United Kingdom
  • German Bundestag, Berlin, Germany
  • Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Germany
  • Government of Rio de Janeriro, Brasil
  • GovHK, Hong Kong, China
  • Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria
  • Institute for Foreign Policy and Strategic Studies (IFPSS), Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (DAV), Hanoi, Vietnam
  • KfW Development Bank, Frankfurt, Germany
  • Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde (IfL), Leipzig, Germany
  • Ministry of Culture, Taiwan R.O.C., Taipei, China
  • Ministry of Environmental Protection of China, Beijing
  • National institution for international education, Seoul, South Korea
  • Polish Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria
  • Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation, Stuttgart, Germany
  • Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd, Hong Kong, China
  • US Agency for International Development, Washington DC, US
  • Acquitec, Wrocław, Poland
  • Albatross World Sales, Leipzig, Germany
  • Allianz Worldwide Partners, Munich, Germany
  • Baker Tilly, Glasgow, Scotland
  • Baxalta, Global BioScience & BioPharmaceuticals Company, Vienna, Austria
  • BrandDefinition, Portland, USA
  • Capital Group, Singapore
  • Calzedonia Switzerland AG, Zurich
  • Chatham House, London, United Kingdom
  • Citywire, London, United Kingdom
  • Deutsche Telekom, Berlin, Germany
  • Facebook Inc., Menlo Park, USA
  • GEI, Greatwall Strategy Consultants, Beijing, China
  • IBM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • KAWAMURA CO., LTD., Kochi, Japan
  • Ketchum Pleon, Düsseldorf, Germany
  • Lufthansa Cargo AG, Frankfurt, Germany
  • Statoil ASA, Stavanger, Norway
  • Thomson Reuters, Gdynia, Poland
  • Vitol SA, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Visual Meta GmbH, Berlin, Germany
  • Vostock Capital, London, UK

Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association (EMA)

EMGS Students and Alumni have the possibility to join the Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association (EMA), a vibrant and diverse community of over 14,000 people from all around the world who have participated in Erasmus Mundus programmes. Information on this Association is to be found at: EMA website. Questions related to the association can also be addressed to Danuta Gruszka the current EMGS representative to the EMA: .